Protect Your Energy from Abuse of Power
One of my favorite college professors had a theory of three human flaws. Prof. Lawrence asked us to watch for these flaws in the news and when we got into the workforce. His hope was that we would recognize them and do what we could to counter balance them in the World. They are:
- Greed
- Incompetence
- Tendency to Abuse Power
As a lightworker, abuse of power is a pattern I see clients suffering at the hands of every day. From the soul perspective, your energy — what you focus it on and how you exchange it — is your power. You can trade our energy for a pay check or collaborative exchanges in relationship. When the energy is taken without an equal exchange, it is abuse of power.
There is a lot that drives the tendency to abuse power. This plays out dramatically on the World screen. People’s fear that they don’t have enough, competition for resources. Desire to be in control. Ego’s need to dominate. Belief in being better than or more entitled than someone else.
Beneath the behaviors and beliefs is an energetic vacuum. What allows me to have compassion or at least neutrality for a person who abuses power at home or in the workplace – a taker, a user or energy vampire – is the awareness that they don’t know how to generate their own energy. Compassion doesn’t equate to tolerance.
Protecting yourself from energy abuse is the most important thing you can do to stay aligned with your soul path. Most common and subtly are the energy hooks and vampirism that happen between the closest people in your life: friends, life-partners, family members, co-workers.
When you have an energy leak or full on vampire impacting you, it undermines your ability to manifest your intentions into a physical form. You may have a great idea, feel its creative energy but then it doesn’t have enough oomph behind it to get traction.
Abuse of power can leave you feeling exhausted, confused, even guilty for saying no. So how do you stop these energy losses and re-balance your life?
Regular practices that set your energy field / aura with healthy boundaries, make you less susceptible to abuse of power. Use your intuition and meditation tools. Being conscious of your soul contracts with the people in your life and updating them to “only available for equal energy exchange” is a step in healing abusive relationships. Clear generational patterns, and programs that allow the abuse of power to hook you. And maybe most important, fill your energetic cup through practices that don’t take energy from others.
Oddly some of the most powerful people in the world are hooking into those around them and using that energy to be powerful. When energy is voluntary given it can support co-creation, a cause or belief system. This is free will. When the energy is being hooked, vampired or taken through dishonest means it is an abuse of power.
Pay attention to where you feel more energy going out that is offered in relationships. Trust your intuition to show you where energy is out of balance, even in the broader world community. Commit to the practices that support your energy exchanges staying in balance.