Who is that Inside My Head?

March 2, 2011

January 2011 issue of Discover magazine presented results of research by neuroscientist Lauren Silbert that proved we can get inside someone’s head when they are communicating with us. Her study scanned brain activity determining that “among the most attentive listeners, key brain regions lit up before her words even came out, suggesting anticipation of what she would say next. ‘The more you anticipate someone, the more you’re able to enter their space.’ Siblert says.” Research now proves what psychics have long known to be true, as we engage with the people in our life, subconsciously we are communicating with non-verbal or spiritual energy mind-to-mind.  As we hone our intuitive awareness we want to clearly hear our inner-guidance, therefore it is important that our center-of-head space is free from outside influences.

The better we identify and remove the distortions of perception based on other people’s influence in our energy field, the greater clarity we gain.  This starts by owning our sixth chakra, the center of head space. The sixth chakra is where our intuition and analytical mind reside.  As science confirms, it’s normal for people to get in each other’s space through this chakra since it is the telepathic communication channel.  If a person pops-up in your mind unexpectedly, you can be sure they have energy in your space.  It is a subconscious way for the person to feel they have some insight into what might come next in the relationship by reading the other person.

As part of the foundational meditation taught in psychic training we start every class with grounding our energy and cleaning out our sixth chakra.  There are a lot of fun ways to do this, all are forms of visualization.  With your eyes closed try one of these exercises.  Follow-up by filling-in that same space with your own energy:

  • See that center-of-head being sprayed clean with a fire hose
  • Watch everything that is not your energy get blown away by a high-powered fan
  • Put a slide at the edge and imaging all the energy that is not yours sliding down and out
  • Visualize a bubble outside of your aura collecting up all the energy that is not you, then send that bubble somewhere far away and pop-it.

Through regularly cleaning out any energy in your center-of-head space that is not you and replacing that with your own vibration, you are able to more easily access your inner-guidance and trust it.

  • KA says:

    This article is fantastic. I have never heard of using the imagery of a giant fan to clear the sixth chakra…I love it! I can’t wait to read the article in Discover. Isn’t it fascinating when science catches up to metaphysics and all of the sudden a “new” discovery resonates with a concept some of us have understood all along? 😀

    • Natalie says:

      Yes, I think its funny how much time and energy is spent on proof that the non-physical exists. Thanks for reading and commenting!

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