Letting Go – The Momentum of Moving Energy

A trapeze artist must let go of one bar to grasp the next, allowing the momentum to carry her to her destination. She trusts that the brief moment between attachment to one bar and firmly holding the next will not result in a fall to injury or death. Whenever we let go of one belief, one aspect of routine or commitment in our life en route to a new experience, we have to cross a moment where there is nothing to hold on to.
It’s a moment of faith. We know where we’ve been. We know it’s time to let go and change. We see what we are willing to try next, our next step, even if we aren’t sure what it means or where it is taking us. When momentum and synchronicity of life circumstances is on our side we may not notice the large cavern below as we swing to our next possibility.
The familiarity of the old way of being can have us stuck. It’s easier to keep doing what we’ve done rather than take the risk of change. Over time we may miss multiple opportunities to make a change. We elect to wait a little longer, stick with the familiar because it seems less stressful, or just more comfortable. The trapeze we are swinging on loses contact with the flow and we aren’t getting close enough to the opportunity for change that arrives.
We see it but it’s out of reach. Or we stop seeing new opportunities and are hanging there in that familiar spot, with the belief or in the relationship or with the job we’ve been at for a long time, yet we know it’s a dead end. It’s not where we are supposed to be. We’re stuck. We are a sailboat in windless waters.
How do we let go of whatever we are stuck on, the aspect of our lives asking for change that we’ve avoided? How do we create momentum, movement, and wind in our sails? We move energy.
Moving energy is pretty simple. One way to do it is through intentional visualization, eyes closed or open, we set an intention to move the stuck energy out of our space. I do this by visualizing a rose in front of me that is vacuuming out the stuck energy from my aura. It doesn’t need to be any more specific than that.
If you want to get specific you can watch various unhelpful energies move out of your aura and into the rose such as fear, anxiety, uncertainty, disappointment, self-judgment, disapproval from loved ones or possible failure. When the rose is full of the energy you have moved out of your space, imagine it going to a faraway place, a mountain top or desert. See it dissolve, recycling the energy into the neutrality of the universe.
Moving stuck energy out of our aura creates momentum and room for the new possibility. The more energy we let go of that isn’t serving us, the more wind is available to fill our sails and carry us to our next destination.