5 Ways Snowboarding Exercises Your Intuition
Snowboarding and skiing exercise the same muscles we use to access our intuition. Here are five ways that they can contribute clarity to other areas of your life:
1) Align with Your YES
Flying downhill at high speed with gravity as your motor, split second decisions are your power. Every turn, every choice of direction is an inner yes that aligns you with the mountain and puts a smile on your face. When your choices align with your yes they bring pleasure. Your intuition is validated and responds by informing you with increasing speed and accuracy.
2) Wipeout Prevention
To survive and stay injury free skiing you must pay attention and be present in the moment. The consequence of having your mind on anything but what you are doing is painful. The same is true when acting on your inner-guidance. Being distracted muddles your perception, often with painful results.
3) Give Your Analyzer a Break
Snowboarding connects you with your inner child. As a kid you didn’t spend so much time analyzing life. You were curious, playful and stuck your tongue out to taste the falling snow. Trusting your intuition requires that you approach life with child like openness to non-linear answers.
4) Read Your Surroundings
Navigation of the slopes includes maintaining awareness of the skiers around you. A portion of your consciousness is engaged in quickly reading what those in your path will do next to prevent collision. Your intuitive guidance is meant to help you navigate life through perception of how those around you are behaving. Then direct your life in a way that stays on course and avoids negative impact.
5) Move Forward in Whiteout Conditions
When there’s poor visibility, flat light or blizzard conditions, the way to stay injury free is to relax your body, trust its perception and response to the terrain. If you try to be in physical control rather than flow, your body will be stiff when you hit a bump, launching you in an unintended direction. When you strain to see what is not ready to be seen you meet whiteout conditions. Relaxation of control is required for supportive information to flow.
So get out there and rip it up! Your body and soul will thank you.
Beautiful, Yes, Yes, Yes.
Reminds me of a Bruce Lee quote: ” The greatest hindrance to any physical activity is the consciousness of self.”
Peace be with You.
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