Whacks! Hurtful Words and the Energy Behind Them

October 24, 2012

I got a call recently from a client who had just received an energy whack from a family member.   Her cousin had sent an email that read, “Guess who I ran into?” with a photo of herself squeezing this woman’s ex-love tight.  Knowing there was a lingering heartbreak.  When my client received the email she felt wobbly, off-center, angry and hurt.  She wondered why her cousin would intentionally cause her pain.

Another friend experienced an energy whack last week by having her confidence betrayed.  The intention behind her words misconstrued then repeated to others.  It brought up feelings of self-doubt.  She asked herself, should I trust this person anymore? Why did I even say anything?

An energy whack can come in the form of words (verbal, text or email), direct or indirect actions that wound us.  The vibration behind the words is charged with judgment, control, anger, competition and/or punishment.  The unconscious agenda of a whack is to throw the receiver off balance, push them away, so the person delivering it can feel more in control of the situation or claim the power position, thus establishing an adjusted boundary.

An energy whack might be rooted in jealousy, harbored resentments, defensiveness, fear of failure or other unconscious psychological sources that have nothing to do with the recipient.  When we experience being whacked by someone, it can take us from a perfectly normal state into a state of confusion, anger, distraction or depression.  The deepest whacks often come from someone we are closest to.  We care more about their perspective and our heart is more open to them, therefore the impact is greater.

To reclaim our sense of balance after being whacked, we need to clear the harmful energy out of our space.  This simple visualization helps us reclaim our spiritual seniority:

  • Imagine a bubble suspended in the air in front of your body.
  • Notice where you are feeling physical tension from the energy whack you received.  Is it in your belly, your throat, your head or somewhere else?
  • Intend that the energy of the whack you received move out of your aura body into the bubble. You might want to name it by the emotions behind it (control, anger, punishment)
  • It may move fast or it may be sticky and take a while.  You’ll feel when it is complete by a release of the physical tension.
  • When the bubble is full of all of the whack energy, send it to a faraway place in your mind’s eye and watch it pop.
  • Then call your energy back to yourself from this person and the situation.  See yourself being filled up with the energy of your own essence flowing into the top of your head.

Whacks catch us off guard and can throw is in a tail spin.  We’ve all whacked others unconsciously and sometimes we even notice it happening as the words slip out of our mouth, wishing we could take them back.  The more we learn to be senior in our energy space the less impact whacks have on us.  We can see the root of the energy and be more neutral to it. The more neutral we are the less we get triggered by others toxic energy sent our way.

  • Kristy says:

    Great post as always, Natalie!
    What can I do if I realize I may be unconsciously inflicting these kinds of “whacks” on others, to push them away or protect myself?

    • Natalie says:

      Hello Kristy, I’ve been contempating your question for few days now. For myself I notice that when I’ve sent an energy whack to someone its because I felt whatever they were asking of me or how they were energetically approaching me felt like a violation of my boundaries. I was pushing back without being clear of why. When I reflect later on this I can see it more clearly and in future interactions with that person choose to be more conscious of their energy so I don’t take it personally. In regards to not repeating it again with someone who I know pushes my buttons, or regularly violates my sense of boundaries, I visualize a protection rose in the space between us to hold the boundary and also act as a filter of any negative energy. Thanks for asking. Namaste!

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