The Power to Heal Yourself

In recent generations of human evolution we have grown more and more distant from the messages offered by our body and spirit. Demands on our time, the drone of city life and our constant interaction with people we do not know, have resulted in us shutting down certain levels of perception. We do this as an act of self-preservation, in order to avoid feeling bombarded and overwhelmed with these sensations when making our way through everyday life. This sensory awareness may result in physical and emotional indicators that cannot be explained. Western civilization has given us clinical names and labels, such as depression and anxiety, for the mystery symptoms experienced by large numbers of people. While the symptoms have both physical and spiritual origins, on a spirit level they are signs of the over-saturation of a person’s aura with the energies of others.
Without healthy boundaries, the aura of highly intuitive people is like a sponge absorbing our surroundings. We feel the energy of the unhappy driver behind us, an angry co-worker or bitter words said between husband and wife at the grocery store. Over time, the aura, our filter of the world, meant to be the beginning and end point of our body-spirit signature, gets congested. If our energetic filter is not being cleaned out regularly, like bacteria built up in a sponge, it gets stinky and is less effective at its job. The consciousness of our times demands development of skills to create healthy boundaries for ourselves and experience inner peace.
It is an act of self-healing to release energy that is not ours from our space. To set our space each day is preventative medicine for our energetic body. When we cultivate these skills within ourselves, we claim our capacity to heal. It takes less than 15 minutes to clean out your aura at the beginning or end of each day. Here’s one way:
Visualize a tree trunk attached to the base of your spine and rooted into the center of the earth. Own it by writing your name on it and bring it into present time adding today’s date. Include a switch or button, one that you can set to “full release.” Notice anything in your aura bubble that is no longer serving you, watch it release down the tree trunk. This energy is simply changing form, not causing any harm to the planet or others. Then set your intention for the day. Imagine the aura bubble around your body as complete, without any holes or gaps, give it a new color. Fill in your energetic body with a positive vibration of your choice, to set the tone of your day. Place protection roses on the outside of your aura in the six directions: in front, behind, right, left, above and below. Step into your day from a point of inner peace!
This one I like unconditionally. I let too much junk unintended get in. The heart level empathy thing I was doing too much of for awhile overloaded me. This is good.
ahh finally no debating… :0) I receive that.