The Mists… a Gateway to Your Magical Life

There is a place between light and dark, between clear and foggy, where you can see a parallel World. When I drive down the curvy forest road to where I grew up, in the coastal mountains of Oregon, I often feel the Mists. That in-between place, where Spirit is very present and reality bends in a way that makes our human concerns seem less relevant.
I find that place expansive, mystical, alluring. And while I don’t want to spend all of my time there, I like going there because it reminds me what I pretend is so important, this life, is actually just a blink in cosmic time. In the Mists, I might meet a long-lost love or feel free to talk with angels and animals.
We all are seeking reason to give our life meaning. Some do this by having children, a family. Continuing life, witnessing the innocence in a child. Some through dedicating to their work. Others in exploring the World or their inner world.
The Mists are where you get to discover the “why”. What you are here for. What gives you purpose.
It’s much simpler than you’d like to imagine. Yes, even simpler than pro-creation, success, or discovery. What gives you purpose is choice. Without choice you would be nothing but a clone, repeating that which those before have lived.
You have choice. Choice is your magic gateway.
You’ll find the Mists in magical moments when you are driving down the road or hiking to a hilltop. While you may not be able to see far ahead, you can see deep and wide from your soul’s perspective. In the Mists, you witness another dimension of reality. You realize that many of the things you fill your time with don’t really matter. What matters is that you are a soul in this fractal of time and you get to choose. You choose what souls you dance with, what dreams you make real.
Certainly, you have a unique reason for being alive right now, beyond choice. But your choice is the place you start to truly live. The Mists, when you are open to entering them, will let you see your dharma, what your soul work is in this lifetime.
You can’t force the gateway to open. The window between Worlds opens at Divine timing, and only when you are willing to see. It could be you’ve driven down that road 1000 times and the Mists never opened for you.
Call out for the opening. Request it, look for it, choose it. There’s no time like the present. Why wait? Life is here to be lived. Magic is waiting to happen.
I’m stuck. I needed this today! Thank you for being here Natalie?
More tools for your breakthrough in class tonight too! xoxo