Soul on a Journey

On July 7th I set out on a visionary journey to explore my next step. I left Colorado and drove through Wyoming and Utah, stopped to stay for a few days in Nevada, then continued west to the San Francisco Bay Area. From a regal old mansion in Berkeley, California I explored my surroundings and gave clairvoyant healings. Now after a meandering drive through Napa Valley wineries, Redwood National Forest and Ashland Oregon I’ve arrived at my family’s ranch in the coastal mountain range of northwest Oregon. My intention has been to stay open and listen deeply to my inner guidance every step of the way. For the journey my spirit asked me to pause the weekly blog post. I walk in trust, allowing the insights to simmer in my heart. The universe has been gracefully supportive of my sojourn, connecting me with magical people and places. I look forward to sharing more with you when the time is ripe.
Namaste (the light in me sees the light in you).