Rejection of Our Body Blocks Intuitive Awareness
Recently I was reading a client who was rejecting her body. She had a spiritually enlightening experience many years ago and was struggling to return to the state of trust and inner-peace she felt while in that awakened state. Her body was perceived as an impediment to returning to the state of peace.
Rejection or disowning the body can be triggered by having a heightened spiritual experience. The “aha” and subsequent sense of oneness with God, can make the mundane aspects of being in a body seem like a limitation. Our body brings us back to Earth after momentary enlightenment. The pains, addictions or requirements of the body seem to be preventing us from having the bliss or deep inner-peace that is available to us in a spiritual experience.
Cultural programming teaches us the mind is the most valued aspect of human experience while religions teaches us that our spirit is the only pure aspect of our experience, the body is weak and likely to succumb to sin. These cultural and religious programs are like silent software viruses operating in our energy field. They disrupt our clarity by invalidating our body.
When we are on a path of self-awareness we can get caught up in believing that our spiritual experience is more valid than our physical experience. But our bodies are the vehicle we are navigating life in. They are equally as valid and incredibly valuable to the experience we are having right now. In order to access our intuition fully we need to identify and shift the programs that block our experience of our body as a valuable partner in our spiritual evolution.
To release these programs we have to notice when we are invalidating our body. We can shift our experience by inviting the body in as a valuable informant to our decision making process. When I tune-in to my inner-guidance contemplating a big decision, I intuitively check-in with four aspects of myself. I ask if my heart, body, mind and spirit are a yes or no to the path. If there is a majority of yes or no with only one aspect of myself that is incongruent, I explore the energy behind the incongruence. Is it an old wound, unconscious fear or cultural programming that is lighting up one of these areas as a no when all else is yes? What can I shift or heal in myself to come into clarity?
It is my perspective that we are souls in a body to experience the full spectrum of emotions and states of consciousness. We need the perspective of pain to appreciate pleasure, the experience of grief and heartbreak to understand love and know joy. If we neglect the body or reject its contribution to our experience, the body speaks to us with mood swings, health issues, pain and tension. If we label the body unconsciously or consciously less valuable than our mind or our spirit, we are in conflict with it. We have less access to our intuition as our inner-guidance speaks to us through the body and we hear it most clearly when we are in a loving relationship with our body.
When we are aligned we equally value our heart, body, mind and spirit. We recognize that including their perspectives gives us greater clarity. We care for their needs, respect them and consider their input as we make choices for our life.
Natalie, thank you for your insights on living in a balanced way with all parts of our life experience. You have an effective way of communicating this process for others to understand and embrace such things.
Thanks for the feedback. It can be very challenging to put into words what I’m trying to express. This is one I revisited many times before feeling “complete” so thank you for letting me know it hit home. 🙂 Nat