Working for a Living or Living While You Work?

July 14, 2011

Awhile back I spent some time reflecting with a friend on what a great job would look like. Without focusing on the form it would take, we listed the types of experiences I would like to have with co-workers, clients and the company. The values, environment, support to do my job, working hours, how I would feel, how much time I wanted alone or interacting with others. The door was open in my view to self-employment, working for a company and the form of vocation. I made my wish list into two-pages of affirmations focused on what I’d like to feel in my work and income earning space. For a month I read the list every day reminding myself of what I desired to create and adding the occasional fresh possibility. Then I got distracted by life and let it sit in a drawer for a year.

When I came back to my wish list, I was in the process of considering a job offer that would allow me the time to do my soul’s purpose work as well as have a steady income working part-time for a technology company doing work I also love to do. In writing out my wish list I had realized that I had a diversity of needs that may not all be met through one type of work. I was amazed at how the job being offered lined up with my vision.

The desire for meaningful work haunts so many of us. Often we have a lack of clarity on what a great career would be for us. I discovered that by removing the labels of the job function and type of business, focusing on a how I want to feel and live day-to-day, I was able to create vibrational clarity for my career space. Following the Law of Attraction I chose to shift my energy to match what I desired until it showed up.

Beyond fleshing out our needs and desires for a work space we can use meditation tools to prepare our energetic body to receive what our hearts desire. Here’s a simple meditation for cleaning out and architecting our career space:

  • In a meditation space, start with visualizing a fresh grounding cord, the attachment from the base of your spine to the earth. This root creates a solid foundation.
  • Imagine a rose floating a couple of feet in front of you and notice the stem of the rose running down into the earth. This is our career cleanout rose. See any belief or energy held in your body that is blocking a positive work experience move out of your aura and into the rose. Some examples to cleanout: confusion, fear of failure, control, financial fear, the belief that work has to be hard, other people’s judgments, self-judgment. When this rose is full of all that unneeded energy, cut the stem and send it off to a faraway place and watch it explode.
  • Visualize a new rose for your career design/vision. Visualize dropping into the blossom of the rose all of the energies you would like to experience in your work space. Some examples: ease, financial prosperity, respect, fun, work/life balance, flexibility, intellectual stimulation or inspiration. When the rose is full of all that you want to create, ask your higher power/God to bless it, cut the stem and release it to the universe to seed your vision.
  • Jennifer Houston says:

    Natalie – You have no idea how perfect your timing was today. Browsing a used book store here in Bend, came across a book called “Live What you Love.” Thanks so much for gifting another tool for manifesting my vision for myself.

    • Natalie says:

      Yes, the power of living what we love is inner-peace moment-to-moment! Sychronicity is awesome in the flow divine mystery.

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