Sleep Better – Set Your Sleep Space When Traveling

For many years I’ve traveled frequently for business, staying at hotels. A room may look physically clean, but be littered with the energy of prior guests! To insure I sleep well and don’t pick up any unwanted energy a guest has left behind, I set the space of the room to my vibration.
You can too! I share the visualization steps below.
This is helpful when you are staying at a friend or family member’s home too. It will help you sleep better. Setting the energy of a space is not taking it over. It leaves the space cleaner than when you found it.
I was reminded of the importance of this when I visited a spiritually tuned-in friend in Taos, New Mexico over the Memorial Day weekend. The first night as I lay down to sleep, I automatically started my space setting visualization. I noticed the energy in the room was uncomfortable with my attempt to set the space and figured it was because I was staying in a home of a powerful spiritual woman who set her space intentionally.
Still I didn’t sleep well. There was a shaky energy I felt in the room that kept me from true restfulness.
The next morning as I soaked in the gentle spring sun while writing, I felt that shakiness again. Since I was sitting outside of the house it was easier see the source. I saw an old Indian woman, heavy-set and draped in many layers of clothes. She wrote codes of spiritual protection into the thick walls of the adobe house. Yet she came from a time much older than the structure.
I psychically saw that the magic had been set on the dirt that was used to make the adobe bricks for the walls. Her codes were written to destabilize the energy of an enemy. Thus the shakiness I felt. It was a form of protection for her tribe and the land.
My hostess also noticed that over the course of living in this home her voice had become periodically shaky without a physical explanation. With permission from my hostess, I used spiritual tools to end the agreement between the code maker and dirt that was used to build the house. That night I was able to set the space in the guest room to my vibration and slept perfectly.
When you visit family, friends, travel for work, on vacation or simply want to reset the sleep space in your own bedroom, take these three steps to have a more restful sleep.
- Visualize a red rose in the center of the room that is as tall as you are, with the blossom of the rose as big as a stop sign.
- See eight golden cords with one end connected to the blossom of the rose, four connected to each of the top corners of the room by the ceiling and four connected tow the bottom corners of the room by the floor. If there are more than four corners add more gold cords.
- Intend that the rose and gold cords hold this space for you while you are in it. Claim the space as clear of outside energies and in present time. You can include other loved ones sharing the space with you in this intention.
For extra credit, visualize a big pitcher full of your own special cocktail of energies you would like to experience while staying in this space (rest, peace, happiness, comfort, playfulness, etc.). Then imagine poring the magical energy into the room from above, filling it up with all those good vibrations. The new intention overrides energy that was in the space before you arrived.
Sweet dreams and safe travels intuitive journeyers!
you are a remarkable person Natalie.
thank you Jim, I appreciate you too!
Hi Natalie, thanks for sharing this… so good to know!
Sweet dreams,
ps all is well in Taos, so peaceful now!
wonderful to hear Danielle! thanks for the inspiration. sweet dreams to you too 🙂