Release Blocks to Your Time, Energy & Money

July 18, 2019
Release Blocks, Reduce Stress, Guided Meditation

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about what type of life my choices are creating. It seems sort of obvious but it is easy to overlook. One choice leads to the next and before you know, those choices have created responsibilities that require small or big chunks of time, energy, money.

Even choices that lead to creating what you want can become stressful when they take more resources than expected. Unconscious beliefs and energy blocks can get in the way of making choices that have a joyful outcome.

Plus if you are an empath or highly intuitive person it is easy to let those choices be swayed by other people’s needs, wants, desires.

Under stress the default is feeling there is not enough time, energy, money. Forgetting that you have a choice. You can reduce stress and shift our experience with active visualization and CHOICES!

A couple years ago I made the choice to move out of the city and into the countryside. I love being a steward of my little patch of land. It is a blessing to have encounters with the wildlife that share it, deer, badger, marmot, porcupine, tree frogs, blue bellied lizards, red tail hawks, owls, hummingbirds, mountain bluebirds. The dream was realized.

But tending to the land is a lot of work too. Tiring work. I’m learning to let some things go. A choice. Surrender. The weeds and relentless lava rock are part of this land. The rhythm of irrigation water that requires tending to from Friday evening through Sunday a responsibility I’ve chosen to invest money in changing so I get back some of my time.

When you think of the life you want to live, what comes to mind? Is it the life you are living? Would you like to have more playtime, creative time, more space, less debt, different work, more passion, less stress?

How can you change that one choice at a time?

Try this guided meditation to reduce stress and remove energy blocks:

  • Close your eyes and imagine a bubble that contains all that you are creating in your life.

  • Outside of the bubble see a rose blossom on a long stem that is your magic wand. You will use it as a letting go visualization, releasing blocks to what is possible in your life.

  • In your minds-eye tap the bubble with the blossom of the rose — intend that the rose is absorbing any limitations to your choices. It soaks up all blocks, demands, debts, obligation, limiting beliefs such as there is not enough time, energy or money to change, or it’s hard

  • When its full, toss that magic wand up into the stars to dissolve all the limitations into the Universe’s infinite possibility

  • Next Imagine a funnel above the bubble. You will use to fill the bubble with new possibility. Pour into that funnel the energies of ease, prosperity, relaxation, creativity, free time, clarity, help from others… add any energy that feels right for you into the bubble that represents what you are creating in your life.

  • When you are complete — bless the bubble and let it float up into the cosmos to be manifest.

Noticing at what you are creating with your choices is empowering. With clear choices you align your life more-and-more to create what is joyful and reduce stress.

My friend recently responded to me moaning and groaning about my responsibilities, “Life is a list of shit to do. But you get to choose a lot of what is on that list.” Choose intentionally my dears.

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