Before You Can Manifest Your Desires You Must Do These Two Things

The two critical energetic steps to manifesting a positive new experience are:
- A Solid Foundation
- Clear Creation Energy
Think of it this way: Foundation + Creation = Manifestation If the foundation isn’t in place or the creation energy is muddled your manifestations don’t last or aren’t as great as they could be.
A strong foundation means you are grounded so you are stable as the change shifts your center of gravity. When the good comes you want to be able to enjoy it. The root chakra at the base of your spine is your energetic foundation. It is where you hold the energies of survival, safety and security.
To establish or reinforce your foundation, follow this simple meditation:
Visualize your root chakra connected to the Earth by seeing a beam of light or tree trunk attached to the base of your spine extended down into the center of the Earth. Set your intentions that this new grounded foundation is “in present time” by thinking of today’s date. Claim that this foundation is only for you. You ground for YOU, no one else (unless you have young children, it is important to ground for them too).
With your solid foundation in place, move up in the energetic body to just below your belly button. This is your sacral chakra where you hold creation and sexual energies. Clear creation energy is free from past limitations and the influences of others in your life. It is important to clean out your creative energy space so you don’t repeat undesirable experiences.
To clean out your creation space imagine you are holding a helium balloon on a string. The balloon’s job is to collect up all the energies you are cleaning out of your sacral chakra. Imagine these energies move out of the area of your body just below your belly button, like a wisp or silver strand they move into the balloon filling it up.
Here are some energies you may want to move out of your creation space and into the balloon:
- Fear of failure
- Need to control the creation/outcome
- Other’s discomfort with your success, competition
- Belief that only a certain range of possibilities are available
- Grief from false starts, unfertilized seeds, miscarriages, unfulfilled dreams
- Possessiveness, someone’s energy keeping you to themselves or possessing you sexually
- Depression, hopelessness, discouragement
- Blame, shame, anger, jealousy
- Attachment to the form the creation needs to take
- Energy whacks/wounds from your past attempts to create or to your sexual energy
- Unworthiness, the lie that you don’t deserve to manifest or can’t because of x y z…
- Fear of success, resistance, suppression of your ability to have what you want
- Other’s attention on your creation. It doesn’t matter if it’s curiosity, poor boundaries or mal intent, move it out, it is in your way.
- Rigidity, feeling stuck, stagnancy
Now that you’ve cleaned ALL that unwanted energy out you may have a bouquet of balloons! Thank them for their assistance and let the strings go. Watch the balloons floating up into the sky, higher and higher until they disappear.
For extra credit, imagine filling your sacral chakra with energies you would like to experience in your creative space such as ease, inspiration, unlimited possibilities, sensuality or whatever you like.
With your solid foundation and vibrant creation space you are empowered for brilliant manifestation. I’ll dive into manifestation in my next blog post.
Remember: Foundation + Creation = Manifestation!
Thank you so much, Natalie! This is a great list for my group.
Excited to hear how it feels for the group to practice this!
Thank you so much ,cam yo uh help me get rid if my fear for driving I am asking and claiming to release all fears ,what can I do?????
Highly,grateful miriam
Hi Miriam, Sorry fot he delayed response. I’m just seeing this. In a session we can look at the source of your fear and clear out energy that triggers the fear. Namaste, Natalie
Thank you so much for this blog, I started to cry when I read the list of ideas that are stuck in my energy space. I so need to rid my state of mind to fallen dreams and instill the idea that I can have my dream of writing a children’s book and sharing joy with the world. Over time I have given up hope and now after reading this blog I am inspired, thanks again for taking the time to share your gift
Dorothy, it feels like in every new stage of life I have to let go of what I imagined and be present for what is possible. The only way to really at peace and open to the things I wouldn’t have known to dream of. Clearing my space of what is not mine is the first step. Thanks for sharing