Set Intentions then Surrender to the Mystery

Mystery is awesome. It contains the seed of life! The power of the unknown gifts us joyful surprise, anticipation and passion, if we allow it. Most often we contract in the face of the unknown. Our body tenses up for fear of being out of control, the uncertainties of no guaranteed outcome, the fear of disappointment. But if we relax into trust, our very being is able to flow with the mystery and we heighten our capacity to receive, our experience of excitement, celebration and noticing life’s miracles.
Every moment we are in the process of creation. We are creating our lives through our thoughts, actions and unconscious beliefs. To create with the most power we must surrender to the mystery, let go of the specific form our creation is required to take in order to please us. In our society outcomes are often forced to meet a specific agenda, scheduled, pre-selected in detail, like a travel itinerary. But when we allow room for the mystery, the outcome while unpredictable has more juice and life to it. Magic happens!
At the New Year most of us reflect on what we have accomplished in the past year and identify what we would like to experience in the coming year. How do we come to a strong inner-knowing that our intentions, the visions of what we want to create in our life, are coming to us?
To clear the path for this level of trust, I find myself navigating a cacophony of thoughts and feelings. Observing what is supporting or in the way of my freedom to receive. Where I am judging others and myself? Where I am giving away my power? Where I am withholding from myself or choosing fantasy over the truth of what is? Where I am failing to see the vastness of options before me because my sight is focused on what I lack rather than what I have? Where I am allowing the wants, needs and demands of others to override my wants, needs and self-care?
Where I am in avoidance of my feelings because noticing them doesn’t feel good? Where do I choose to check-out rather than check-in with myself? Where do I see not getting what my heart desires as some failure on my part? Where am I at peace and where am I unsettled? Where am I in resistance to things that are good for me? Where do I fail to surrender because I want it my way?!? Where do I feel angry at another or judge them without acknowledging my anger at myself and self-judgment? Where is it I crave escape and allow it to dominate my free time?
Where do I try and fail and try and succeed and keep pushing my edge to expand past the discomfort? Where do I have courage without noticing it and fearlessly press into the vast unknown? Where do I take risks and feel empowered? Where do I light a fire to transform energy, warm the hearth, or light the path? Where do I see the non-physical universe and witness another soul’s journey? Where do I connect with another? Where do I wake up and realize I was never sleeping? Where do I feel alive?
These questions are meant to shed away the layers between my expectations and the fruition of my desires. I trust that my visions will manifest in my life. Why? I have seen it happen countless times. I feel them coming. I feel the joy and it feels as if they are already the truth of my experience even though they haven’t yet taken physical form. I don’t know what form they will arrive in or when. That’s the mystery. Yet I trust their arrival, as reliable as the seasons change. The more I take actions to show the universe my intent, that I’m willing to receive with full surrender. The more my experiences are better than I ever would have imagined.