Free Will and Soul Agreements
You have choice, free will, the ability to alter your life’s direction. You also live in a world with many other sentient beings that have free will and their choices effect your choices, resulting in outcomes that may be different than you’d hoped or expected.
Life begins with the soul agreements in your family. You have things to teach each other, karma to complete and promises to keep. Family members, both biological and adoptive, are key in your foundational soul agreements and the lessons you are here to learn. I believe that even your family is your choice; you made the choice before being born.
Then there are soul agreements we make fresh in this life. They may last a lifetime or be a onetime interaction to change our direction or teach us something. We always have free will in responding to any soul agreement.
Some people call it destiny but I see it more like a collection of agreements we’ve made as a soul in previous lifetimes to show-up to keep these agreements. For example, I have a friend who I met working at a clothing boutique during college. Little did we know at the time that we had a soul agreement to remind each other of our spiritual path?
She changed jobs and we lost touch. Then I saw her feeding burritos she’d made to the homeless and we reconnected. She moved. We lost touch again. Then again we reconnected by chance, or is it? Keeping this soul agreement has been dance we have done over more than 20 years.
At times it’s been tough, we’ve pushed each other too hard, resisted the reminders, inadvertently hurt each other but as we’ve matured and become more conscious of our agreement the waters of our friendship have calmed. They aren’t as choppy as they were when we were unconsciously trying to keep the agreement by shaking the other up. Now we are more direct, less easily offended, trust each other’s reflections and openly discuss our soul agreement.
We could have chosen to walk away permanently from this soul agreement at many junctures. There were years we didn’t speak but something deeper kept bringing us back to each other. Our soul agreement.
If we had exercised our free will and walked away without completing our agreement or without each separately doing our soul work to release the charge on that unfinished agreement, the energy would have continued to pull us back together in this lifetime or another lifetime to keep our agreement.
Just as you have free will so do those who you encounter in your life. When things seemingly go awry with your soul agreements it may be that choices are made from miscommunication, fear of change or concern for the impact on others the person is in agreement with. People you interact with may choose not to say “yes” to your soul agreement. Life moves you in a different direction. That doesn’t mean you have to allow it to haunt you.
In a soul agreement that you are ready to end, you can clear the energy without the participation from the other. I’ll cover the “how-to” in future blog posts. You can also choose to walk away without ending the agreement too. And allow the agreement to be fulfilled some way in the future.
This is an interesting topic soul agreements, I became a mother thirty five years ago and I know I made a soul agreement with my son but when do I get my life back? I am taking a stand this year and moving away from my son. I am moving to the beach where I feel at home. And he is not happy about this move, of course there is always two sides to every story but I pray that my son finds happiness and peace in this lifetime.
Dorothy, parent child soul agreements are often quite deep with multi-lifetimes of karma effecting them. And even as the parent you are allowed once your child is an adult to end the agreement in its old form for your own peace. Sometimes these old soul agreements keep us feeling eternally in-debt to someone when really we always have the spiritual freedom to release ourselves from these past commitments. Blessings to you on the journey to self-care!