Change Will Do You Good with Your Intuition Leading the Way

Our inner-guidance helps us see opportunities to evolve and grow when an area of our life is outdated or out-of-alignment. We feel inclined to make a change, move to a new town, quit a job, begin or end a relationship. Intuition leads us to override our reptilian brain; the part of us that is determined to do it the old way and put perceived safety first.
We naturally return to what’s familiar, have a rhythm, form habits, routines, get into ruts. Doing it the usual way is easier than figuring out a new way, even if the usual way is mediocre and slightly irritating. When we avoid change we feel the energy drain associated with our resistance.
Each time we’re faced with a transition, an opportunity to change our life, it involves risk. That risk is where our intuition helps us override the tendency to seek safety in the familiar. Yet, to take risks that are wise and purposeful we have to know we are in alignment.
Alignment means that our actions are congruent with our truth, the yes that lives within our individual soul. Our intuition nudges us to stay in alignment, giving us opportunity after opportunity to make small shifts. It asks us to take notice, listen closely to what a stranger is talking about, take a different route home from work, call someone when were not sure why to discover they tell us something we needed to know. That inner voice will give us our yes and our no if we listen… oh this feels right, I’m at ease… oh that feels off, my stomach is tight when I think of it.
Living out-of-alignment, like a pebble in the shoe, progressively produces larger consequences: a blister, favoring the foot, the limping turns into back tension, that causes discomfort sleeping, then getting worn down from lack of sleep and catching a virus. How much irritation must the pebble cause to get our attention? What is speaking to us to change: the lack of integrity in our work environment, the evolving culture of our neighborhood that no longer fits us, social activities that no longer satisfy or repeated conflicts in a relationship? Will we make a change before the old way of being causes excessive suffering?
If we ignore the quiet voice of our inner-guidance for too long the small choices that take us out of alignment start adding up and realignment requires a larger risk. A commitment to living in congruence with our inner-guidance, responding to the simple gentler shifts as the opportunities present themselves, make for a much more enjoyable life. Our power to stay in alignment is in the center of our head, our intuition. Listen to it and let it inform your choices.
That was very well said, Natalie. Sometimes the change I crave doesn’t appear possible, but when I listen to my inner voice and pray for guidance, I often find another route to the desired end. But the bottom line is, I need to be willing to change or a physical change in circumstances won’t bring the satisfaction I hope for.
Aunt Sandy, It is curious how we feel the pull for change before it comes and feel discomfort over changes we think we should make that are really not ours to make. As you reflect, what we can change is our response to the circumstance/exerperience. Love you!