The Power of Collective Transformation

What if you don't have to navigate this massive global crisis alone, wondering how to make sense of it all?
The Power of Collective Transformation workshop brings illumination, grounding and empowered choice to the tsunami of uncertainty and fear sweeping through our world.  In a year unlike anything ever experienced, astrology and your own sixth sense reveal the deeper purpose, power, and opportunity of these times.

The Power of Collective Transformation offers you practical and magical tools to navigate these game-changing times, from grounding energy practices that calm your nervous system to an astrological framework that allows you to make wise choices for your life -- and for the new world you're here to help create.

2020 Astrology Class, Spiritual Transformation, Reduce Stress

Workshop just $220 
5 LIVE Online Sessions with Audio & Video Replay, Class Notes PDF, Transformation Workbook & Private Group Interaction

Tell me if this sounds like you... 

  • You know you decided to be here on Earth at this time and want to tap into your soul's wisdom for greater clarity on the "why" and the "how"
  • You feel what's happening in the world deeply and long for new ways to soothe your senses
  • You sense the hidden patterns revealed by astrology and your intuition, and want to work with this energy to contribute to the collective healing

What if you could use these intense times to become more creative, filling your energetic cup and transforming dense energy, by simply showing up to a workshop twice a month?

This is why our heart called us to create The Power of Collective Transformation, Illuminate Your Sixth Sense and the Stars. We want you to be able to clear your body-mind-spirit of energy that does not serve you. We've learned that it is through our connection the deepest access to personal divine wisdom is revealed. In this workshop we will hold space for just that and share the big picture revealed by the astrology at work in the Universe.

The Power of Collective Transformation workshop will support your spirit's clarity:

  1. Ask your soul to amplify our sight in Session One as you Activate the Collective Soul Vow with a deeper understanding of the cosmic energies now at play. on planet Earth.
  2. Focus on releasing old paradigms of control in Session Two, Live in the Mystery while the World Grasps for Control.
  3. The massive distruption we are living thorugh has activated both ancestoral memories and new trauma. In Session Three we are Healing Collective Trauma on multiple levels of our being, using both astrological and energetic tools.
  4. In Session Four we prepare to enter the Age of Aquarius through The Gateway of Being non-Doing, more ready than ever for the new world we are birthing.

But that's not all!

On December 14, we meet again to Align with the 2020 Total Eclipse Portal culminating a year of profound metamorphosis. 2020 ends with a rare and powerful double event -- a total solar eclipse conjunct the supermassive transformational vortex at our galaxy’s center, followed by a Grand Mutation of our reality as our solar system’s two largest planets seed a new era of wisdom.  

At our eclipse gathering, we will step like the phoenix from the ashes of all we have released and transformed through intentional alignment with our heart-body-mind-spirit through The Power of Collective Transformation

SESSION 1 - August 11
Activate Collective Soul Vow

(Session REPLAY Available NOW) 

Focus: Our interconnectedness activates the mysteries. The astrology of 2020 is an energy map of the interconnected -- and evolving Universe. See clearly for yourself with your third eye to get a full understanding.

Tools: Interconnected grounding circle. Shamanic journey to retrieve your soul’s message, why you chose to be alive on Earth for this collective transformation. 

SESSION 2 - August 25
Live in the Mystery while the

World Grasps for Control

Focus: The Universe, truth and power. The astrology and energetic impact of truth, power, control and domination in 2020 and beyond. Making peace with the unknown. Overview of energy leaks to reclaim your energy. 

Tools: Using planetary cycles for personal empowerment. Clear out control and suppression energy. Purification ritual.

SESSION 3 - September 15
Heal Collective Trauma 

Focus:  The astrology of collective and generational trauma. Heal individual and collective trauma from violence, greed, abuse of power, and more. Rebalance masculine and feminine energies.

Tools: Saint Germain's violet flame healing. Energy soothing practices. Mother Mary healing.

SESSION 4 - September 29
The Gateway of Being non-Doing

Focus: The astrology of cosmic creativity and holding space. Non-Doing and the Dark Universe. Self-love, preparation for the Grand Mutation. More or less freedom in our future? Energy changes form in the blink of an eye.

Tools: Holding space for evolution of the Cosmos. Update soul vow into present time.
Step into you spiritual seniority.

Astrology Teacher, Marcia Wade, Star Sister Astrology

Marcia Wade Star Sister Astrologer

Marcia has been studying the ancient and ever-evolving wisdom tradition of astrology for over half her life. Known to clients around the world as Star Sister, she brings to her work a lifelong study of world mythologies, and decades of exploring quantum physics and  personal transformation. Her areas of focus include the use of astrology as a pathway to personal creativity and depth, the implications of new discoveries about the universe for personal and collective astrology, the astrology of collective transformation, and the emerging power of the Cosmic Feminine as a transformative force in our lives and our world.

Natalie Cutsforth Intuitive Healer

Natalie is an intuitive healer offering guidance and life-changing transformation through private sessions, courses and retreats. From a young age she felt personally impacted by the energy she could sense that wasn't spoken which led her to study many esoteric traditions.  In over two decades of practice her spiritual gifts include healing clients akashic records, revealing soul vows, and teaching energy boundaries for the empathically sensitive. All rooted in a practical approach to our human spiritual perception. Her first book Tame Your Energy Sensitivity a Tigers Guide to Happiness for Sensitive People was published in February. 

What's included in the Workshop?

Join LIVE or watch later, your course portal is open 24/7

Live Sessions + Video & Audio Replay

Astrological Framework and Sixth Sensory Skills training and practice 2x Month Aug & Sept

Transformation Workbook

At times you'll pause to reflect and go deeper with leading questions in the workbook.

Private Group Discussion

Frequent astrology updates, support, connection, a space to share and ask questions

Workshop Presentation

PDF of the class presentation for reference during the course and after


Question: What if I don't know a lot about astrology?
Answer: This course doesn't require a background in astrology. 

Question: What if I don't have experience using my sixth sense intentionally?
Answer: All of the sixth sensory tools will be guided in class with an opportunity to ask questions.

Question: How much time will it take for me to participate?
Answer: 2 hours twice a month for 2 August and September. Plus an option to join the eclipse meditation on December 14.

Question: Do I need to have special software to do this course?
Answer: You will need to be able to use Zoom Video Conf to join class live or YouTube to watch the replay. You will need to be able to open a PDF. 

Easy access...

  • Step 1 - Click the Register Now button to buy it
  • Step 2 - Check your email where you'll receive a link to login to the course portal
  • Step 3 - Start Joining the Private Group for the workshop on Facebook
  • Step 4 - Be there for live Zoom Video Workshop each Session at Noon PT/ 3pm ET/ 8pm GMT 
  • Need help? email

REFUND POLICY - Refund available minus transaction charge until workshop starts August 11.

Imagine how purposeful you would feel over the next few months while the world rides the quantum tranformation energy in 2020 -- supported, clear, at peace and aligned with your soul vow ...

  • You watch the distortions of reality and suppressive control energy in the world and can clear it out of your aura to feel immediate relief.
  • You see the layers of multi-generational trauma playout on the world stage and use your energy tools to tap into cosmic healing for your self and the world. 
  • You recognize when pressure to "do" something is preemptive so you tune-in to your sixth sense and the stars to get clarity.

The Power of Collective Transformation
Illuminate Your Sixth Sense & the Stars Workshop

2020 Astrology Class, Spiritual Transformation, Reduce Stress

Fill your cup and reclaim your power while we navigate this wild time!

5 Session Workshop just $220

Are you in need of financial assistance?
If this workshop is out of your financial reach we are taking applications to provide a limited number of scholorships.  To apply, please email your answers to the four application questions and anything else you would like us to know to

Application Questions

  1. 1
    What calls you to this workshop?
  2. 2
    How much can you afford to pay?
  3. 3
    Have you taken a course or had a reading with Marcia, Natalie or both before?
  4. 4
    Would you be willing to volunteer in some form in exchange for the workshop?

Astrology Teacher, Psychic Insights, 2020 Astrology

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