Centering in Sacred Space
Intention and energy infuse sacred spaces. It may be a place where something miraculous occurred or a corner of our everyday life that we set apart with a potency that allows us to quickly return to alignment with our Self. Places of worship, temples, shrines, ashrams, grottoes and mountain tops become infused with the prayers of all who congregate there. Prayerful intentions have a common theme across belief systems: giving thanks, surrendering burdens to the Divine, asking for good to come in our lives and offering to be of service to a higher power.
Sacred spaces fed with these vibrations have a way of quickly shifting us to center when we enter their aura. I was recently on my annual visit to Shambhala Mountain Center and hiked to the Great Stupa a spiritual monument supporting the path to enlightenment. As I entered, a muffled silence with the power of sacred commitment pulsated so strong that my ears rang. They were being cleansed of all wasted frantic thought, followed by pure silence and stillness. Breathing, sitting and being present, my body arrived in the moment instantly.
I hadn’t noticed that I had been ahead of myself, body, mind, spirit moving at different paces as I climbed the hill to the Stupa. Inside my body went through a series of awareness’s, ringing silence, bits of tension in one shoulder, forehead and souls of my feet released with pings, like medal warming in the sun after a cool night. My mind accepted the futility of trying to control anything by pre-thinking it and came back to the moment I was living. My spirit smiled at my body and mind and said, “thank you.”
Being in the flow of life is good. We meander or sprint through the choices we make each day, deciding what to cook for dinner, maintaining focus while we work and walking the dog. In the midst of our routines, life’s demands and the non-stop flow of needs from those around us, pausing in a sacred space allows all of the activity to become more centered. Sacred spaces have a magical ability to presence us to our needs in the midst of busyness and help us quickly release what isn’t important.
Creating a personal sacred space such as a home altar is one way to bring this experience into our everyday life. An altar can be dedicated to whatever we intend, an inspirational altar, a self-care altar, a gratitude altar, a love altar or an altar that changes with the seasons. Materially it is a collection of items that remind us of our soul’s creative desires, fresh flowers and beautiful object that evoke the vibration of love, symbols for space holding and clearing such as candles, sage and bells.
Personal sacred space allows us to take a few moments each time we pass it by to remember that our spirit is on this journey with our body and mind. Rituals re-align us to our Self due to their intention and the repetitive nature. By returning to the same place with intentions we infuse it with those beliefs such as gratitude, surrender, trust and a willingness to listen to the Divine through our inner-voice. We create our own unique healing space to center in our authentic Self.