Fireside Woo-Woo Talks

Unlock the power of your energy sensitivity

Have you ever wondered why you had an intuitive hit or a visitation from a deceased loved one? 

Are you a secret or not so secret woo woo fan?

October 18 Practice your sixth-sensory skill in a FREE Empath Strength Training session

Watch replays of 5 Fireside Woo Woo Talks

Sign-up to get free access to all of these experiences

Ask me your woo woo questions, receive a healing and practice focusing your intuitive gift.

Replays will be shared for all events except the Group Reading and Healing (for privacy of participants).

Past Lives, Psychic Powers, Akashic Records
full name

Topics: Fireside Woo Woo Talks 

  • What does your nervous system have to do with your intuition?
  • Making sense of what you sense? Doubt is an empath’s nemesis.
  • Does trauma awaken psychic power? Plus, other reasons people are highly intuitive.
  • Why some people can sense souls without bodies while others can’t? Plus, what is a Trance Medium? 
  • Are Past Lives Real? What about your Akashic Records?

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