You Have a Super Power

September 15, 2016

You are energy! You get to choose how to direct your energy. The focus of your energy creates and destroys based on your focus, all of the time.

Think of energy in the form of a waterfall. When a river drops over a cliff to lower ground, the water loses contact with earth and gains speed. Most of it stays together in a channel of energy moving in one direction. Some droplets of water separate into misty free-fall, no contact with the mass of the river. Bits of this mist will rejoin the main river. Others drops stay afloat on the wind to become a cloud, or they land on a leaf, rock, or dirt.

When your energy sticks together it gains power. Big shifts in your consciousness move like a waterfall carrying you with the momentum of a new belief. As your beliefs and focus shift, you create new experiences.

Like the mist, some parts of your energy can stay afloat while the majority of energy moves in a focused direction. The energy that lands in a new spot, changes form. It gives life to a plant. It is absorbed deep into the earth to join an underground aquifer, bubbling up to the surface somewhere new. Or may evaporate, to create a cloud that moves with the winds and falls as rain or snow back to the Earth. Far away from where it started. You water and grow new beliefs and experiences with your energy.

Water follows a path of least resistance. It gets to engage with the natural laws of gravity and the elements it encounters. Some surfaces are hard and resistant, while others are absorbent and receptive.

If your focus lands on a hard surface that is not receptive, it may feel like a lot of effort until you allow the response to redirect your energy to the flow. Re-direction is an opportunity to amplify your energy, moving in a direction that is receptive and true for you. Is the focus of your energy responding to the messages from the energy around you?. When your energy is aligned to your highest good, and not attached to changing what is not aligned in its path, it can shift to a new direction, amplify your power and keep you in the flow.

Stagnant water or energy allows dis-ease to grow. When you are stuck you are denying your power to choose. Even the belief that you do not have a choice is a choice. How much of what is possible are you allowing yourself to have?

Through your choices, you focus your energy. Your energy contributes to collective belief systems and creates reality for you and those who share it. Your focused energy is as powerful as a waterfall. Every drop of it is a choice. You create your life experiences with your beliefs and choices. You get to use your energy however you please. Energy is your Super Power!

  • Dorothy says:

    hello Natalie,
    I wished every one on the planet believed this to be a fact, we humans could change the world into the world where children could be safe, our air, water and soil would be free of pollutants and humans would take care of each other. Thank you for being the kind of spirit that shares their knowledge and self. I also believe that we also have a choice when it comes to not only how we use our energy but where we spend our money. Money is energy, think before you spend and think where do I want to put my energy.

    • Natalie says:

      Wouldn’t that be wonderful! People taking responsibility for the focus of their energy and beliefs. Thank you for reading and commenting. It feels good to know my contribution has impact. Much love, Natalie

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