3 Steps to Protect Your Energy from Suppression

June 29, 2018
Protect Your Energy, Harmful Spiritual Entities, Abuse of Power

When you know what you’re capable of but can’t do it. When you have the mental, emotional, and physical skills but are drawing a blank. You are experiencing suppression energy. The spirit of suppression wants to separate you from your capable, powerful, Self.  It makes what’s possible seem impossible. It undermines the impact of your actions. It keeps you stuck, frozen, a spectator as things go wrong and get weird.

The spirit of suppression is not new to humanity. It has worked among our ranks for as long as we have been on the planet. It feeds on the concept of separateness, egoic specialness, differences rather than oneness. It likes to use race, gender, wealth and intelligence to define these differences. It benefits from access to power.

This spirit of suppression I refer to is actually an “entity” or “being,” a soul without a body. Harmful entities like this can attach to a person, use the hosts energy to impact other people one at a time.

Suppression entities operate differently. Rather than one at a time, they radiate a blanket of energy impacting as many people as the host can access. The more power the host gains, the broader the swath of suppression.

In its host, the suppressor feeds the hunger for power, fosters a belief that they are right and know better than everyone else. It shrouds truth that might undermine it and lays a lead blanket over those who do not support its agenda. Its agenda is to take energy from many and use the energy to permanently keep them marginalized. Supporters of the entity’s agenda expand its impact by feeding it broader influence.

Here are 3 Steps to Protect Your Energy from a Suppressor Entity:

  1. Name what is draining your energy (this puts the entity on notice that you see it)
  2. Activate your boundaries with this visualization:
    • Paint your aura bubble electric blue
    • Create a new grounding cord (tree trunk from the base of your spine into the earth)
    • Put protection roses around you in all directions (front, behind, right, left, above, below)
  3. Imagine a gauge showing you the percentage of suppression energy impacting you, move the gauge a distance away from you, give it a grounding cord and watch the suppression energy drain out of the gauge through the grounding cord until the percentage is at zero.

Because a suppressor being can hook into many souls at one time, breaking its hold often takes support. On a small scale such as a neighbor or co-worker who hosts a suppressor entity, use the tools above. If it’s having a serious personal impact, get the help of an energy healer to shield you from further suppression.

On the collective scale, such as when a world leader is hosting a suppression entity, it feels like the dragon of suppression is blowing smoke out of his nostrils distorting our collective sight. The dense acid fumes are poisoning access to our collective mind. Its tar like excrement is stuck to our collective feet, limiting movement. Fire spit out of the dragon’s mouth grips our collective heart, as it burns all that we value before our eyes.

Breaking the spell of a suppression entity that has gained that much power requires gathering those with collective consciousness to name it, claim seniority over the entity and break its hold. Our strength is amplified in creating an intentional grid with high vibration to dissolve the suppression. Humanity has beat suppressor entities many times. They cause a lot of suffering so the sooner we name, claim and clear a suppressor the better for us all!

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